Signature Massage- If you are looking to decompress and relax, our signature style of gliding strokes and passive joint movement will release your kinks and knots, help move lymph through your body and relax you into a deep healing state. Great for recovery after athletic events and activity. Includes aromatherapy (Young Living Oils) and option to add hot stones.
($95 -60min, $135 -90min)
Sports Massage- Deep gliding strokes release your tense muscles after athletic events, regular training and endurance activities. Usually focused on specific areas to restore your flexibility and remove pain. Comes with aromatherapy to relive soreness and pain in the tissues.
($95 -60min, $135 -90min)
Specialized Sessions Targeting Key Zones- Work that is focused on creating symmetry and alleviating long standing chronic conditions. Several sessions should be done in regular intervals to integrate the whole body and create a new relationship to movement and gravity. This work can be very intense but creates long lasting postural changes that give your body a new life.​
($140 -90min, $165 with PEMF)
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field- using the AmpCoil PEMF device, tailor a session customized to your particular needs. This is the cutting edge of electro-magnetics and I have witnessed miraculous healing within myself and loved ones through the application of this technology. The more ill you are, the more you will notice a shift after sessions. This method resets the electromagnetic fog that plagues the human body and accelerated electrons, so the rate of naturally occurring reactions is improved. This technology has had especially marked results for Lyme disease sufferers.
($60/stand alone session or $30 as an add-on)
Craniosacral Therapy- A gentle touch technique that opens you to deep awareness and relaxation. From accessing this deeply relaxed state, your body will begin to unwind and release itself. This modality can be practiced on acute injury and is even safe to use on infants in the cases of birth trauma. This modality tends to create emotional releases and is a multi layered experience.
($90 -60min or $120 combined with PEMF Therapy)
Reiki- I am no longer offering this service because I have developed a more tangible approach to healing through shamanic clearing.
Ho'oponopono clearing- using the method taught by Dr. Hew Len, I clear the most essential aspects and wounding that is presented to me in the meditative state. This clearing can be done without client participation and is the only one that can be employed when you are going through upheavals and crises in your world. I can support you while you are in the hospital, going through divorce, family trauma or any other difficult situation. This clearing can help with prosperity and other types of hangups as well and is not limited to traumatic events.
Shamanic Clearing- Life-changing work with client tracking and participation we uproot disturbances, pain and traumas which prevent natural flow of energy throughout the body. Close the chapters of suffering and cycles of despair by facing past life patterns, soul loss and soul contracts. Put an end to family curses and ancestral recurrent patterns. Sessions may focus on removing intrusions, cords, rewriting soul contracts or performing soul recovery. This is an energetic approach that combines my specialization in somato-emotional processing. I have found this to be the quickest, most effective energy method in moving forward with your life when feeling mired, stuck and simply unable to get out of certain eddies of behavioral and emotional patterns.
($90 -60min, $120 combined with PEMF Therapy)
Matrix Energetics- A rare energy technique that uses the concepts of quantum physics and the field of infinite possibilities to make profound shifts in the information stored in your electro magnetic field. Small change in the energetic field creates large change in the physical world. This modality requires special training and sensitivity on the part of the practitioner. Life-changing work which can be used to manifest health and prosperity for the recipient.
($90 -60min)
Raindrop Therapy- Using the wisdom of plants, this modality facilitates healing in a way that is unique and natural. High grade plant oils are applied in a specific order employing the piezoelectric effect to the feet and spinal column. No expense is spared in making sure the oils are extracted at optimum temperature and grown organically. This application opens circulation, producing a potent effect of disinfecting the spinal column and realigning the wisdom of cells in your body. I have witnessed chronic pains vanishing for long periods of time after treatment and mystery ailments dropping off the radar. There is no way to describe the feeling, it is best experienced for yourself.
($95 -60min $155 combined with massage)